Botanical Names
A reference list of common species names and their meaning
๐ธ Species name. For example, the passion flower, Passiflora edulis
๐น Meaning in English. E.g. edible.
๐ธ abbreviatus ๐น Short
๐ธ acuminatus ๐น Long tapering point
๐ธ acutifolius ๐น Having sharp leaves
๐ธ adpressus ๐น Pressed together, pressed against
๐ธ adscendens ๐น Rising, going up
๐ธ aerius ๐น Of the air, as air-roots
๐ธ aeruginosa, aeruginosus ๐น Rust coloured
๐ธ aestivus, aestivum ๐น Developing or ripening in the summer
๐ธ affinus ๐น Related, connected, having an affinity
๐ธ africanus ๐น From Africa
๐ธ alatus ๐น Winged
๐ธ albescens ๐น Pale, whitish
๐ธ albidus, albus ๐น White
๐ธ albiflorus ๐น Having white flowers
๐ธ alpinus ๐น Of the alpines, mountains
๐ธ alternus ๐น Alternating, not directly opposite
๐ธ altus ๐น Altitude, tall
๐ธ amabilis ๐น Amiable, lovely
๐ธ amphibius ๐น Adaptable either to land or water
๐ธ angulosus ๐น Angular in appearance
๐ธ angustifolius ๐น With narrow leaves
๐ธ aquaticus ๐น Of the water, water-loving
๐ธ arborescens ๐น Growing like a tree, woody like a tree
๐ธ arenatius ๐น Found in sandy places
๐ธ argenteus, argentus ๐น Silvery
๐ธ aristatus ๐น Bearded
๐ธ ascendens ๐น Going up, ascending
๐ธ asiaticus, asiatus ๐น From Asia
๐ธ atlanticus ๐น Atlantic
๐ธ atropurpureus, atropurpurea ๐น Purple colour
๐ธ atrosanguineus ๐น Dark blood-red
๐ธ atroviolaceus ๐น Dark violet
๐ธ atrovirens ๐น Dark green
๐ธ augustus ๐น Important in size or appearance, imposing
๐ธ aurantiacus ๐น Orange-red
๐ธ aureus ๐น Golden
๐ธ biennis ๐น Biennial
๐ธ biflorus ๐น Two flowered
๐ธ bifolius ๐น Two leaved
๐ธ brevifolius ๐น With short leaves
๐ธ brevis ๐น Short
๐ธ brevisimus ๐น Very short
๐ธ brittanicus ๐น From Britain
๐ธ brunneus ๐น Brown
๐ธ calamifolius ๐น With reed-like leaves
๐ธ campestris ๐น Found in fields
๐ธ candelabrum ๐น Having the form of a candelabra
๐ธ candicans ๐น White or frosty looking
๐ธ capitatus ๐น Flowers, fruit or whole plant growing in a dense head
๐ธ carneus ๐น Flesh-coloured
๐ธ cerefolius ๐น With waxy leaves
๐ธ coccineus ๐น Bright red
๐ธ coloratus ๐น Coloured
๐ธ columnaris ๐น Having the form of a column
๐ธ comatus, comans ๐น Tufted
๐ธ concolor ๐น Similar colouring
๐ธ conglomeratus ๐น All close together
๐ธ contortus ๐น Twisted, contorted
๐ธ cordatus ๐น Heart-shaped
๐ธ cornutus, cornuta ๐น Horned
๐ธ crassifolius ๐น With thick leaves
๐ธ crenatus ๐น Serrated
๐ธ cuspidatus ๐น Sharp tooth, or hard point
๐ธ deformis ๐น Deformed
๐ธ deliciosus, deliciosa ๐น Delicious
๐ธ dendroideus ๐น Resembling a tree
๐ธ densatus ๐น Dense
๐ธ densiflorus ๐น With dense flowers
๐ธ densifolius ๐น With dense leaves
๐ธ dentatus ๐น Toothed, with a series of points
๐ธ dipterus ๐น Two-winged
๐ธ discolor ๐น Of two or several colours
๐ธ dissectus ๐น Deeply cut leaves
๐ธ divaricatus ๐น Spreading
๐ธ domesticus ๐น Domesticated
๐ธ edulis ๐น Edible
๐ธ elatus, elata ๐น Tall
๐ธ elegans ๐น Elegant, graceful
๐ธ elongatus ๐น Long
๐ธ erectus ๐น Upright
๐ธ excelsius, excelsus ๐น Tall
๐ธ exoticus, exotica ๐น From another country
๐ธ fastigiata, fastigiatus ๐น With erect, upright branches, often creating the effect of a column.
๐ธ ferox ๐น Fierce, thorny
๐ธ flaccidus ๐น Soft, limp
๐ธ flammeus ๐น Flame-coloured
๐ธ flexilis ๐น Bendable, flexible
๐ธ flore-pleno ๐น With double flowers
๐ธ floribunda, floribundus ๐น Very free flowering
๐ธ foetidus ๐น Bad-smelling, having a foetid odour
๐ธ fragrans ๐น Sweet-smelling, fragrant
๐ธ fragrantissimus ๐น Very sweet-smelling
๐ธ frutescens ๐น Bushy, shrubby, twiggy
๐ธ gallicus ๐น From Gaul (France)
๐ธ giganticus ๐น Large, gigantic
๐ธ glaucus ๐น With a bloom (frost-like) on the leaves
๐ธ gloriosus, gloriosa ๐น Superb, glorious
๐ธ gracilis ๐น Slender, graceful, lissom
๐ธ grandifolius ๐น With large leaves
๐ธ guttatus ๐น Spotted or freckeld
๐ธ haemanthus ๐น With blood-red flowers
๐ธ humilis ๐น Dwarf or low growing.
๐ธ japonicus ๐น From Japan
๐ธ lanceolatus ๐น In the shape of a spear
๐ธ latifolius ๐น With broad leaves
๐ธ leptolepis ๐น With thin scales
๐ธ leptophyllus ๐น With thin leaves
๐ธ leucodermis ๐น With white skin
๐ธ lobularuis ๐น Lobed
๐ธ luteus ๐น Yellow
๐ธ macranthus ๐น With large flowers
๐ธ maximus ๐น The largest
๐ธ medius ๐น Medium
๐ธ megalophyllus ๐น With very large leaves
๐ธ megaspermus ๐น With very large seeds
๐ธ microphyllus ๐น With very small leaves
๐ธ minimus ๐น Very small
๐ธ mollis ๐น Hairy, fuzzy
๐ธ myriophyllus ๐น With many leaves
๐ธ nacro ๐น Big, long, large
๐ธ nanus, nana ๐น Dwarf, small
๐ธ nerifolius, nerifolia, ๐น With narrow leaves
๐ธ niger ๐น Black
๐ธ nodulosa ๐น With small nodes
๐ธ nudifolia ๐น Deciduous, naked of leaves
๐ธ oblongatus ๐น Oblong, oval
๐ธ officinalis ๐น Medicinal
๐ธ parviflorus ๐น With small flowers
๐ธ parvifolia ๐น With small leaves
๐ธ patens ๐น Spreading
๐ธ pavoninus ๐น Peacock blue
๐ธ pictum, pictus ๐น Highly coloured, painted
๐ธ pinnatus ๐น Like a feather. With leaves that grow from each side of a stalk
๐ธ podocarpus ๐น With stalked fruits
๐ธ polydactylus ๐น With many fingers
๐ธ porphyreus ๐น Purple
๐ธ praecox ๐น Very early
๐ธ procumbens ๐น Procumbent, lying down
๐ธ pumilus ๐น Dwarf, small
๐ธ pygmaeus ๐น Pygmy
๐ธ pyramidalis ๐น Pyramidal
๐ธ repens ๐น Creeping, low
๐ธ reticulatus ๐น With a netted pattern
๐ธ robustus ๐น Strong, robust
๐ธ rotundifolius ๐น With round leaves
๐ธ scandens ๐น Climbing
๐ธ semperflorens ๐น Everblooming
๐ธ sempervirens ๐น Always green
๐ธ serpens ๐น Creeping
๐ธ serratus ๐น With a saw tooth edge
๐ธ sessile, sessilis ๐น Without a stalk
๐ธ setaceus, setaceum, setiferum ๐น With bristles
๐ธ stolenifera ๐น With runners
๐ธ strictus ๐น Erect
๐ธ sylvaticus ๐น Of the forest
๐ธ tenuifolius ๐น With slender leaves
๐ธ tomentosus ๐น Very woolly
๐ธ tricho ๐น Prefix meaning hairy
๐ธ trifidus, trifida ๐น Cut in three (nothing to do with triffids)
๐ธ variegatus ๐น Variegated
๐ธ verrucosus ๐น Warty
๐ธ virens ๐น Green
๐ธ virginianus ๐น Of Virginia, first defined in Virginia
๐ธ viridis ๐น Green
๐ธ vulgaris ๐น Common, ordinary
๐ธ xanthinus ๐น Yellow
๐ธ zonalis ๐น Banded
Credits: Some information from the Latin Phrases website and also from the book Latin for Gardeners: Over 3,000 Plant Names Explained and Explored by Lorraine Harrison.
Compiled by Jeff.