Local Weather
Live feed from the Mileham East weather station
2025 Rainfall
The table below compares this year's recorded monthly rainfall figures against the region's 30 year average monthly rainfall data (1991 to 2020 source).
Previous Years' Readings
Max temp: 33.3°C on 12 Aug | Min temp: -4.4°C on 18 Jan.
Max wind speed 37.6 mph⁽²⁾ and gust of 44.5 mph⁽²⁾ on 8 Dec.
Annual rainfall 897 mm (⇧ 43% above 30 year average) | The most rainfall on a single day⁽¹⁾ was 31 mm on 22 May | The wettest month was February with 135 mm of rainfall. | The highest rainfall rate was 31 mm/hour on 16 July. | The longest period with no rainfall was 20 days in July and August.
Max temp: 32.0°C on 10 Sep | Min temp: -7.9°C on 23 Jan.
Max wind speed 35.6 mph⁽²⁾ and gust of 43.4 mph⁽²⁾ on 13 Mar.
Annual rainfall 908 mm (⇧ 45% above 30 year average) | The most rainfall on a single day⁽¹⁾ was 66 mm on 20 Oct | The wettest month was October with 189 mm of rainfall. | The highest rainfall rate was 70 mm/hour on 2 Oct. | The longest period with no rainfall was 17 days in June.
Max temp: 38.6°C on 19 July | Min temp: -7.7°C on 13 Dec.
Max wind speed 33.3 mph⁽²⁾ and gust of 41.2 mph⁽²⁾ on 7 Apr.
Annual rainfall 629 mm ( ≈ 30 year average) | The most rainfall on a single day⁽¹⁾ was 49 mm on 25 Aug | The wettest month was November with 110 mm of rainfall. | The highest rainfall rate was 63 mm/hour on 16 Aug. | The longest period with no rainfall was 26 days in April.
Full historical data are available on the Mileham East page at Weather Underground.
⁽¹⁾ Measured from midnight to midnight.
⁽²⁾ The weather station under-reports wind speed, which is conventionally measured at a height of 10m. Between 2022 and 12 Oct 2024 the weather station was mounted 3m above the ground. At 10m height, wind speed would be about 2 times that recorded at 3m (ref).
Since 12 Oct 2024 the weather station has been mounted 5m above the ground. At 10m height, wind speed would be about 1½ times that recorded at 5m.
Wind speed is the average speed measured over a ten minute period. Gust speed is the maximum three second average speed.
The Mileham East weather station is currently rated 'Gold Star🏅' for accuracy by Weather Underground.
Weather Underground monitors the accuracy of the Mileham East station and applies a gold star next to the station name if it meets these criteria.
Configured and managed by Jeff.