Local Weather

Live feed from the Mileham East weather station

Previous Years' Readings

Max temp: 32.0°C on 10 Sep  |  Min temp: -7.9°C on 23 Jan.
Max sustained windspeed 35.6 mph¹ and gust 43.4 mph¹ on 13 Mar.
Annual rainfall 908 mm ( 45% above 30 year average)   |   The most rainfall on a single day² was 66 mm on 20 Oct   |   The wettest month was October with 189 mm of rainfall.  |   The highest rainfall rate was 70 mm/hour on 2 Oct.  |  The longest period with no rainfall was 17 days in June.

Max temp: 38.6°C on 19 July  |  Min temp: -7.7°C on 13 Dec.
Max sustained windspeed 33.3 mph¹ and gust 41.2 mph¹ on 7 Apr.
Annual rainfall 629 mm ( 30 year average)   |   The most rainfall on a single day² was 49 mm on 25 Aug   |   The wettest month was November with 110 mm of rainfall.  |   The highest rainfall rate was 63 mm/hour on 16 Aug.  |  The longest period with no rainfall was 26 days in April.

Full historical data are available on the Mileham East page at Weather Underground.

¹ The weather station under-reports wind speeds as it is mounted 3m above the ground.  Windspeed is conventionally measured at 10m.  At 10m height, windspeed would be between 1½ and 2 times that recorded at 3m (ref).

² Measured from midnight to midnight.

The Mileham East weather station is currently rated 'Gold Star🏅' for accuracy by Weather Underground.

Never base important decisions on this weather information where there is a risk of harm to people or property.